Dear visitor welcome to my blog!
So glad that you came by. Busy day? Why don’t you take a seat and rest for a while. OWOH can really keep you busy don’t you think?

Oh I haven’t introduced myself. How very impolite of me.
My name is Jeanette and I live in the south of Sweden. I share my life with my husband, two teenage daughters, two cats and many, many friends. I am a creative person and a manic collector of creative stuff. My work room is filled with wool, fabric, buttons, vintage lace, yarn, embroidery yarn, paper, old books….you get the picture right? I also collect things that many people would call “trash can stuff” like bottle caps, plastic bottles, tin cans, metal scrap and soda cans. I am very much into recycling and I have the most fun when I bring something very usual and ordinary into something unordinary. I know that it might sound like I am a full member of the knit your own sandals brigade but on the other hand what’s so wrong about that?
I love DIY and bloggers all over the world are my constant source of inspiration. My head is constantly spinning with ideas and I want them to come alive fast (my husband says at once…) so I am more of a fast & failure kind of girl than one with a neat plan. For me creativity is more fun that way.
I am also a keen amateur photographer and that’s why I started my first blog in 2007 - as a way to share my photos. Now I am on Blog number 3 and share my creative everyday life instead. Through my blogs I have met so many fantastic and talented people and made many friends all over the world. That’s why I couldn’t resist to participate in OWOH and have the opportunity to meet new and creative bloggers.
Dear visitor, I know you have to run along to the next Blog but how about a sneak peak at the door prize before you go?

I wanted to have a heart theme so I made a white linen heart with silk embroidery. It is 12 cm tall and fit perfectly in your hand. Can be used as a creative muse perhaps? I call it Sleeping Beauty. The name inspired by the fact that I think that all people are creative and have a talent but for some this is still sleeping within and yet to explore.
OWOH is open to all active bloggers worldwide.
If you like to win the heart, please leave a comment. Make sure that there is a way for me to contact you if you have won but also because I would really love to visit your blog.
The winner will be announced Feb 17th and I will email the winner as well as post it.
Take care
Hi Jeanette! I think I might be the first 'contestant' for the heart. Have fun with one world one heart and don't forget to check my post!
Yea! I'm so glad to be here and to meet you. You have an awesome blog, come check mine out sometime. Thanks for entering me in your contest!
Wow... your work is so unique!! Lovely heart! :)
Someone, somewhere is going to be very happy with this beautiful give-away...I can only dream it's me! :)
This OWOH blog trip is great! Thanks!
Sweet greetings from Belgium,
Saskia :)
Hi Jeanette, I am Micki and also taking part in the owoh giveaway.
I love your door prize and would love a chance to win :)
Micki x
What a great blog you have, very pleased to met you :)
A fabulous give away, I'd love it if you stopped by and entered mine :)
I adore your little hand-stitched heart!
Those little bottlecap chairs are too darn cute! Hope you'll come see my owoh post and leave a comment too.. hugs!
Thank you for taking the time to offer this lovely gift and thank you for the opportunity to win!
Hi Jeanette! Greetings from Maryland, USA! I love your blog, and I know exactly what you mean about collecting stuff. I have jars and jars of things I want to recycle into art. :) Thank you for sharing with us, and please come visit me, I am having a giveaway, too. Pam
It's lovely to meet and hear all about you. I think a lot of crafters share the same interests and habits as you describe - I know I do!
I love your heart and the thought behind it - what a perfect muse it would be!
I hope you'll stop by and enter my giveaways too on my blog.
Sherry from England, UK.
What a lovely prize. Please add me to the draw and come by to visit at number 92.
Your little chairs are so cute! I absolutely LOVE the heart you have created for the giveaway! Gorgeous! Thank you! jinglesells at gmail dot com
You have such interesting pieces an a unique style.
I'd love a chance to win your prize.
Stop by and check out my blog sometime. This is my first time with OWOH
xox Kim
Hi Jeanette, it's lovely to meet you. Happy OWOH! :) Your handcrafted heart is so adorable - what a lovely gift! Feel free to visit with me:
Sincerely, Theresa
Nice to know you Jeanette! Thanks for the lovely introduction. Your heart is very sweet and would make a darling muse. Wishing you much love and happiness in 2011.
~ Katie
You sound like my kind of crafter, i'm a total 'junk' collector, if i think it can be rescued for art i'll 'ave it lol
Would love to win your door prize
My e'mail is on my blog
Happy OWOH
Hugs Minxy x
Flying in from One World One Heart! :)
Nice to meet you Jeanette! I always have a ton of ideas floating around too, there's never enough time! lol Thanks for having me here today!
You're welcome to visit my OWOH post anytime!
Happy Blog Discovery! :)
Hope you have oodles of fun during OWOH. Your heart is as cute as can be. It's perfect for this event. (I love the little chairs in the other photo. So cute). Thanks for your generosity and participation in the event. Count me in please.
visionquest2020 AT msn DOT com
What a gorgeous prize!
Nice to meet you!
Come visit my blog to see my OWOH giveaway! I'm #50
Greetings from Oregon, USA! Let's hear it for all of the sleeping beauties of the world!! Hope you will wing you way over for a visit to my OWOH post! http://365catladies.blogspot.com/2011/01/one-world-one-heart-2011_31.html
Hi Jeanette, so lovely to meet you:-) Your linen heart is so delightful! Please add my name to your giveaway, I would love to win:-)
Make sure you come over and enter my own giveaway if you haven't done so already!
Hugs, PEA xox
In love with your blog...stunning givaway!
I am now following. I would love for you to come to mine and follow too...love new followers but most of all I love new friends!
I too like picking up trash from the ground and keep it in my treasures box for my art.
Keep it up!
Hi there! I'm so glad to meet you! Your blog is wonderful and your prize is the best! Thanks so much for the opportunity to win! Hope you have fun at the OWOH! Hugs!
Hi, nice to meet you
Thank you for giving us the chance to win your great doorprice.
Please count me in.
Come visit me on my blog,I join the OWOH- event too.
Cheers and happy OWOH
Hello from Ohio!!!It's great meeting you here!What a great blog! Love the heart!Check my blog too !
Hi waving from the UK - very nice to meet you - beautiful piece of artwork you are giving away and I'm sure it will be treasured by the lucky winner - maybe me !!!!
I'm also taking part so please pop over and see me too - my email is on my blog should I win !!!
x Hilda aka Crafty Creations
I'm also such a collector, all kinds of things everywhere - and i have a study in the cottage and a working room at the city... so lots of stuff... love those chairs.
Nice to meet you via OWOH,
greetings from Finland;
beautiful gift, love to win
många kramar;-))m
Count Me In Your OWOH Door Prize! This is my first year of participating this great event.I am having a blast with all the great blogs I have come across! Thanks Tee
Hi Jeanette! I would love to win. You make such beautiful things!
I am so happy to meet you today on the wings of OWOH! Thanks for a chance to win your wonderful giveaway.
Hugs, Antonella :-)
Please stop by for a chance to win my giveaway!
How sweet! Please enter me in the drawing!
Jan in Ohio
Hi Jeanette,
Nice to meet you!
Lovely blog and some Awesome stitch work!!
Love your heart giveaway!
We have a lot in common, I'm also a lover of fabric, buttons, vintage lace, yarn, embroidery, paper and old books!
Hope you have time to hop over and visit my blog/OWOH post.
Jan (Janette)
Beautiful work! I love embroidery, and this is such a special piece. She is lovely.
Thank you for participating in this wonderful event.
Hugs from ON, Canada,
Please stop by my blog, #51 on the list, if you get a chance.
Cute and folksy...truly one of a kind :)
Cameron #83
What a sweet little heart, thanks for the opportunity to visit your blog.
It was so nice meeting you! You have a great blog and I really enjoyed my visit! I hope you'll stop by to see me too, if you haven't done so already. mlbetterly.blogspot.com
Hi Jeanette, greetings from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I appreciate the range of your work. You are definitely NOT stuck in a rut. The little chairs are wonderful. please check out my blog and consider becoming a follower. thanks, Emily Eckel
Your giveaway is so beautiful!!! I would love to win something so special!
Thanks for the chance to win :D
Come to enter my giveaway if you have time!
Hello Jeanette! You sound like me! I collect so many things and all of it inspires me to make things!
cathyguitarteacher-77 at yahoo.com
Hi Jeanette,
I am glad that I stopped by. Great chairs, I think I'll pull one up and stay a while!
Oooo Sweden! I'd love to travel there. I've really enjoyed my visit to your blog. I'm also a OWOH participant. I hope you'll drop by!
Hi Jeanette! Glad to see you here. I enjoyed your blog. Please count me in on your door prize.
hello from Oregon. Love the 'muse'
I have really enjoyed peeking around in your blog and hope you will have time to come visit mine.
:) Gale
Hi Jeanette, sweet little chairs, too cool!!! Anyway, so pleased to meet you (I'm Shelle by the way)! Seeing I walked through your open Blogger doorway, I'd like to ask you to please, please come comment at my OWOH post too :) I'm number 120 on the list yey! (oh & please feel free to drop in now and then after OWOH if you're in the bloggersphere) Doors always open :) Now let's keep enjoying this hurly burly wonderful One World One Heart EXTRAVAGANZA :)
Hi Jeanette,
I'm from snowy Massachusetts, USA.
What a wonderful way to connect with fellow, creative bloggers.
Great prize thanks for the chance :D
your heart is really cute i enjoyed checking out your blog
since this is a get to know you type of event below is a bit about me
I am a fellow blogger I live in Missouri with my husband and 8 cats who i know run the household
I love odd and unusual i do a little bit of everything art wise , I like to work with paper , clay, found objects , most anything really ,I love the challenge of trying something new , I even write poetry on the rare occasion that my mind wonders in that direction
carolyn h
Nice to meet you Jeanette! I like your blog. I have some Swedish blood running through these veins too. The pillow is so sweet. Please enter me in your giveaway and come on over to #348 and enter mine too.
I enjoyed reading about your life and the "knit your own sandals brigade" made me laugh out loud. I, too am giving away a heart that has a bit of a Scandanavian look to it. Now, I need to go knit some underwear!
Greetings from Fresno, California :-)
Please enter me in your drawing for your lovely give-away gift.
~Cheryl over @ Artsy Fartsy
Happy OWOH, nice to meet you! I love the heart!
Hi Jeanette! It has been so fun to read about your creative life. I so love your heart gift. Thank you so much for he chance to win.
I hope you have a great OWOH adventure this year !
Kul med en svenska till! :)
Detta kommer definitivt att hålla en upptagen i ett par veckor!
Ta gärna en titt på min sida också!
Och ha en jättekul flygtur på den magiska mattan!
Sussie :)
My favorite thing is the seats made of champagne toppers. Did you make those? They are just so creative and cute. xololaorange at gmail.
Everything here is great
Greetings from Canada
Nice to meet you and visit your blog.
Winning your give away would be awesome!
Thanks for including me in your draw..Come visit me, I am playing too.
Hey there Jeanette, greetings from San Diego California.
I love that heart, so perfect for OWOH.
What a wonderful blogplace to land on this One World One Heart Journey.
If you have time on your flight come over and see me
Hi! You are so clever! I love the felting you do and will be back to read one of your tutorials after owoh. I would love to go in the draw to win your heart I mean the heart you made! lol
such a sweet blog & lovely offering!
your embroidered heart is charming, and a reflection of yours i'm sure!
please come visit my blog #30 on the list...
blessings & warm hugs from Montana!!
Isn't this fun? I just love OWOH! Thank you for participating... please count me in for your terrific giveaway. If you get a chance, I hope you'll visit me too.
Beckie =)
artbeckons at hotmail dot com
OWOH #119 http://artbeckons.blogspot.com
OWOH #132 http://papertraders-art.blogspot.com/search/label/Home
Awesome outlook on life and awesome heart, I like the idea behind it :)
so cute!!!
Your heart is so adorable, I love it.
Please count me in your draw :)
What talent you have. Love the heart.I took a quick look around your blog and was quite impressed. I'll be back after the event. I'm # 11, and would love to have you stop by if you haven't already.
Hi Jeanette, thanks for the offer of a seat....it's given me the chance to rest up a while before getting back to visiting the other blogs on OWOH. Please come on over to mine too, I'm # 166 on the list. Hugs Naomi from Berri, Sth Australia
I like the concept for the heart.
Carol H.
Oh Jeanette! I totally get your "dive right in" attitude when it comes to crafting- it's the most fun, but in my case, requires a lot of clean up! **grin**
I hope you'll drop by both of my giveaways (at Twigs and Tulle and Kindergarten's 3 R's: I'm giving away a mini bunting and some pattern blocks) during this awesome blogging event! Happy OWOH!
A collector of all things yummy? Me too! Love your heart!
Please add me to your drawing!
Lovely blog and beautiful giveaway. What a fun idea, I'd love to win! Hop over to #521, if you'd like to visit me!
wonderful and love the chairs, please throw my name in!! R'Chelle
Whew...I so needed to sit down a spell. Thank you ^_^
I adore your fabric heart...so cute.
I hope that while you are out and about flying through the OWOH journey that you will come and visit my whimsical world.
count me in, great giveaway, love the idea behind the sleeping beauty,
please stop by my blog if you have a bit of time...
love the heart and nice to meet you.....Please enter my name.
Stop by my blog to win a crazy polymer clay face bracelet.
Thanks so much,
Please enter my name in your lovely giveaway-
Bonnie in Florida
Blogs #566 and #567 USA
Greetings from Canada!
I should really be doing some art, but I'm really enjoying the OWOH ride! Your giveaway is very sweet. Please visit my blog, Art of Humungous Proportions too!
Cheers ~
OWOH Blog #602
Jeanette, your beautiful heart is just PERFECT for the OWOH giveaway! I'm so happy that you stopped by my blog and are a follower! I truly appreciate your visits and wish you much luck in my giveaway! Hugs, Terri
Please enter me into your draw.
Love you blog and will be back.
Hi Jeanette! I am visiting from New York State, USA. I would love a chance to win your sweet heart! Hope you can stop by and visit me, too, #331.
Your embroidery is wonderful! (and those little champagne wire chairs are adorable)I'm off to look around your blog a bit more. Please enter me into your draw! Thank you!
What a terrific blog and fabulous prize! I'd love to win!
My grandfather used to make chairs like that! Adorable
I'm so glad someone told me about this event. I am participating as well if you'd like to visit my blog at www.greenislescrafts.com
shadohart (at) gmail (dot) com
Cutest heart ever! Love it.....So nice to meet you.....Michelle of HippieDog #15
Such a lovely heart you have... in more ways than one! Also love those sweet little bottle cap chairs. I had seen one for the first time when I was in Seattle in a shop in China town. So cute! Post on my blog too if you haven't already. needlewings at mac.com
Greetings from Cody, Wyoming! Isn't this fun? I love your blog - it is wonderful! And your offering is so sweet...Love the heart shape! Please enter me in your drawing. If you have a moment stop by and enter my giveaways too.
# 385 http://stampgram.blogspot.com
# 132 http://papertraders-art.blogspot.com/search/label/Home
Greetings from Connie on Kauai. I really enjoyed exploring your blog. terrific giveaway - love your heart!
come visit my blog too!
Greetings from Sunny California! Love your site! please enter me in your drawing!~
Hi from the UK jeanette.
so glad to meet you. Please count me in for the drawing of your heart. Stop by and see me too if you have the time.
That little heart is precious!
Happy owoh.
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
OWOH giveaway
Your studio sounds like mine! A little bit of everything just waiting to combined into the next great art idea! ;) And I love to use found items and recycled items too...so good to make art with things that normally would end up in a landfill or floating off into the ocean...what a much better fate!
Thanks for being part of OWOH, I would love the chance to win your little 'muse'!
Please stop by for a visit when you get the chance:
Hey girl.
We are a little bit alike.
I do lots of stuff too, and if it didn't take so long to knit my own sandals, I would do it. But I am impatient, so I pay for sandals that were hand knit by child slaves in another country (oh. tangentally, I'm american)
I think we might be friends.
Especially because you don't have a sidebar picture that says Tim Holtz is your altered god - which seriously creeps me out.
Cute Cute Cute
HarajukuGirl92 [at]gmail.com
Here's my blog, Not much YET! http://southerngypsywannabe.blogspot.com
Hello! Very nice to meet you. Love your heart giveaway, please add me to your draw. Stop by and say hello, I'm #651.
A perfect muse! Please enter my name!
Caryl #270
greeting jeanette....how wonderful see so many of you from around the globe. you sound like a most happy person and one who appreciates treasure rather than see it as trash. So many wonderful things can come from something quite ordinary. I have a few of those things in my studio as well. I just love that you did a heart theme, it's lovely.
Please enjoy the flight around the globe!
host/creator OWOH
"fast and failure kind of girl"? Hah! Me too! I love your little chairs. I hope you can come and visit me-
Hello Jeanette, nice to meet you, love your OWOH offering, be sure to stop by my OWOH giveaway. Greetings from Bonnie Scotland.
What fun this is...hopping from one wonderful blog to another and visiting so many kindred spirits! Thanks so much for sharing! Please enter me in your give away!!
Hello Jeanette! What a darling darling heart! Well done, the embroidery is fantastic! Thank of the wonderful offering. Blessings~Sharon
Hi Jeanette. Well your little heart is beautiful, however I love your little chairs. They are adorable. You have a lovely blog and I enjoyed my visit. When you have a moment please drop by http://janesuper.blogspot.com and visit me. Cheers from Canada!
Adorable little chairs and lovely heart! Please include me! Thank you!
Love your chairs I have a collection of chairs. Do not know why but I'm alway are drawn to them.Giggles Laura
Good to meet you Jeanette! Looks like a lovely heart. Enjoy the trip!
:-) Gina #299
Hi Jeanette. It is so very nice to meet you. Your heart ornament is beautiful! I would love for you to throw my name into the hat for a chance to win.
Please stop by my blog on your travels, I am #78 on the OWOH participant list.
Hello Jeanette.... your sleeping beauty heart is so sweet... what a delightful giveaway... love those little chairs too :)))
Jenny x
Hi Jeanette! Great to meet you! I would love to win Sleeping Beauty! and please be sure to visit me at #319
sending some smiles..:o)
Hello Jeanette, so nice to meet you! Your blog is very fun, I love your giveaway heart ♥
Feel free to stop by my blog and enter to win my watercolor notecards :-)
Isn't this so sweet! I admire your talent (those chairs are the cutest ever) and would love to be included, xo (#73)
Hey Jeanette, It's so nice to meet you and to discover your blog. I'm from Kentucky, USA. Love your "Sleeping Beauty". Please count me in. ~Michelle, OWOH participant 598
Fabulous Jeanette! Lovely work. Thanks for sharing and enjoy OWOH! Kim (no. 724)
I love your philosophy in your profile - definitely a credo to live by! Thanks for the invitation to visit and do come over to say Hi at my blog...#409
Hugs from snowy New Hampshire
Beth P
What a lovely giveaway! Thank you for your generosity and a chance to win.
I love Scandinavia in general and Sweden in particular :)
Please stop by my blog, I'm #323.
Warm greetings from Mexico ~
Hi Jeanette! your tiny chairs are lovely :)
Thanks for been in the OWOH, and I'd like the opportunity to meet you
Hi Jeanette,
Your work is magic and your blog is fantastic!
Lynn xx
Lynn's Designer Creations
Come visit me downunder I am number #744 on the bloghop list
Fast & Failure - yep that sounds familar, I think my partner would would say the same of me *g*
Lovely to meet you tonight (eek, this morning! It's 1am here now!) and thank you for the chance to win your lovely prize! Please feel free to drop by my OWOH post :)
OWOH #365
Hi Jeanette over there in Sweden. I love your little chairs. And Sleeping Beauty would be a wonderful muse.
Hello Jeanette! What a sweet gift. I love fiber art especially embroidery. Please add me to your hat and I'll see you when you fly to 705. Cheers! Anna
Oh oh oh those are so sweet!! I love them..please add me to your giveaway! Pop on by mine and add your name to my hat too!! Sarah :)
What a great blog you have! :)
Lisa hosts such a great event. I'm not participating this year but I do like to make new friends and love visiting to see everyone's creativity.
Your heart is a lovely prize.
Love it all! ¯\(°‿o)/¯
Oh what a lovely heart. Love your work. Thanks for an awesome give away. Please stop by my blog and say Hi. #752
What a sweet heart!
Nice blog! I've enjoyed it. Glad I found you! Please include me in
your giveaway.
Come visit me at http://designforty-8.blogspot.com/
Thanks Teri abella4@att.net
Hej Jeanette! Du ger en sådan fin beskrivning av dig själv! Jag vill så klart vinna det fina hjärtat men jag känner att andra borde få större chans att njuta av dina skapelser. Jag har ju både en skyddsängel och miracles do happen som pryder mitt hem. Tack för dem!
LOVE your work. I'd love to win, too!
Jeanette, so nice to meet you. You sound a bit nutty like me...a collector of just about everything that has some potencial at become an art piece. I have been collecting beer bottle caps for so many years, I have a large plastic bin full of them...I've told everyone that's been collecting them for me to now just collect the really different brews...got plenty of the regular American brands.
Have a lovely weekend and take care.
Please enter my name. Love your giveaway! I also love your little chairs. I have thing for chairs. :) Visit me #597
Hello from Canada. I would love it if you chose my name as the one who won your lovely heart.
That white heart melts my heart. Oh how lovely it is!!!!
I'd love to have a chance to win a piece of your beautiful work. Please enter my name in to your draw, and thanks. Norma (95)
Hello there. It is lovely to stop awhile at your blog on this journey.
I love your comments about everyone being creative, but for some people their creativity is asleep onside them. That is very much my story and belief. I am so glad for me it woke up!
I love your heart and would love to enter. Do feel welcome to drop by and visit me:
HI. What beauitful art you create. I would love to be entered for a chance of winning. Wishes from Scotland. Lynne M
Wow what a lovely giveaway! Please add me to the list !Thank you for the opportunity to win!
I would love to be enter in your wonderful drawing
Your Sleeping Beauty is wonderful & meaningful. Looks like it could be modern or very old - my favorite!
Hi, Jeanette! I love your door prize and loved reading a little about you. Hope you will come over and visit my blog when you get a chance. Greetings from Los Angeles - so nice to meet you!
Hi Jeanette!, Wow you really use a lot of stuff with your great creations!! Thanks that I could have a sneak to Sweden! Feel welcome and visit the Netherlands too!
Warm greetings, Susanna
Lovely! angelandspot{at}yahoo{dot}com
Greetings from Norway!!
Please enter me (my email is in my profile) and stop by my giveaway if you like.
What a beautiful gift you're giving. I hope you come visit me at #716.
Hi Jeanette,
Greeting from fabulous Las Vegas! ;)
Love the re purposed bottle cap chairs!Your work is very cool and so unique...love it.
Generous giveaway too. Please sign me up!
If you haven't already, stop by and see me...
I think you'll like our giveaway! (#135)
Hello, this is so sweet, I'd love to win! please pop over and visit my givaway.
Nice to meet you,
love your give away!
greetings from Germany,
Rein #170
I will be following you to see more! I would like to have my name in your contest for a chance to win one of your creations!
I love to meet fellow crafters so if you have time stop by for a visit!
Thanks so much!!
From the Florida Gulf Coast
I am entering for my daughter Melanie, she had wanted to participate in this year's event, but a fire changed her plans... I thought I would surprise her and do this for her..
Visit the site I set up for her on my blog #579.. and enter her name in the contest, thank You
Do people really knit sandals ? Ha Ha You almost had me going. I've been experimenting with wool roving. I recently made a tree with polymer clay and wool roving. Come by and see it. Crimson Heart Studios #845 Thanks, Cindy
Hello Jeanette!
Hows weet of you to make us feel at home. I will seat down but have trouble deciding on which chair? They are all so cute!
I really like your lovely door prize. I think I am going to look around a bit more.
Nice to know I am in Sweeden this very moment. I live in England but am actually French.
ANyway, I am a chatty guess. May I have a cup of tea please?
Happy OWOH!!!
wonderfully meaningful. very nice. ")
Love your blog~your hand-stitched heart is so pretty~
~amy~from Virginia
Hi Jeanette, I would love to win your heart. It's so cute! Please visit my blog, too. I am the author of "16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood." I am giving away my book and a couple of laminated 4 leaf clovers.
Hi Jeanette count me in it is a beautiful piece.
Very sweet heart. Thank you for offering this giveaway. I hope you’ll stop by my blog and enter my OWOH giveaway, #45, too! Enjoy the rest of the event!
Hi there. I found your site by way of the One World One Heart 2011 Event, I was a little too late to join. However, I am happy to have found your blog! I would love for you to visit me @ http://www.mommiesandbeyond.com and also @http://mommiescraftsandtreasures.blogspot.com/
I am hosting a giveaway for an item that you may like. It is a Something Blue Bracelet from the Bridal Bling Jewelery Collection!
Such a wonderful blog - please enter me in the 5th annual OWOH drawing. Carly in PA
Nice to meet you... the schais are amzing!!!! And I love your heart...please pick me up!
cal_rubies at yahoo dot es
hello from Thailand! I'm glad I dropped by and I'm really enjoying my visits to all OWOH participants..
That heart's lovely and please count me in
Here's my OWOH post..please click here.. :)
laetriciajaniel (@) gmail (dot) com
Hello from Southern California. Your needlework is lovely and unique. I've had a good time browsing through your blog. Please come see mine if you haven't already. Nice to meet you.
Your art is just wonderful - I love your heart! It's great to meet you!
: ) lulu
Greetings from southern California. Love your silk sleeping beauty giveaway. Please add me to your hat. I'm flying in during the final hours of OWOH. Thank you and cheers!http://sewingthroughthemuck.blogspot.com/
Jeanette- your work is beautiful and I adore your heart. Would be honored to win it. Please count me in and enjoy your flight. Patricia OWOH #498
Jeanette, so happy to meet you. I love the little bowl of flted hearts on your blog. I would love to win your heart, so please come by and visit my blog if you haven't already, I look forward to seeing your creativity in the future.
Greetings from Ipswich, MA USA
I'm glad to meet you.
I'm a jewelry artist of sorts, a watercolor painter, an upcycler, and an over all creative adventurer! I'm #509
I'd be honored for you to follow my blog!
Please enter me into the OWOH give away. I hope you can visit my blog, too. I'm giving away a shabby chic denim necklace. Come chat any time.
email: Lamore225@gmail.com
Hugs¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´Linda L *
Hi Jeanette how are you my name is Sharon and your blog is wonderful. I look forward to chatting with you at one time or another.
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