01 October 2010

Elvis has left the building….

The birds have flown. Or will fly soon to be more correct… I finished them yesterday and they will fly out into the world on Saturday morning with the help of two of my friends. I have a long planed date with my wheelbarrow this weekend you see so I will be at the country house and not in town. But my friends will hang the birds up on different places for people to find and hopefully they will be found and brought home to someone. I attached a tiny note explaining about the FeltUnited and that the bird is a gift and I also wrote the link to my blog so maybe someone will contact me and tell me to whom my bird flew….

A test flight in my garden before take off

Why Elvis? Well I named them all and one of them is called Elvis…..

Hope you have a great 2nd International Day of Felt and a lovely weekend.

Take care


Eleanor said...

You are spectacular J!!!

Can't wait to follow the birds' flights.

LiLi M. said...

Another reason why it is too bad that I don't live in your neighborhood, as I would have stalked you and grabbed at least one bird! I do hope that we can follow them. I love this action! Have a great Sunday!

Unknown said...

Thank you! There i was at Drottningtorget and all of a sudden I find a bird. You made me very happy! This little bird is now in the north of Sweden. He hangs around in Luleå. Once again thank you!

Heather Woollove said...

Oh Jeanette...well done, you!
I love how unique each bird looks!!
I know that there will be some very happy recipients.
What a great idea to attach your blog address. It's kind of like a message in a bottle, isn't it?

Anna Stilla said...

Jag är kär... Fåglar och ull gör mig svag. Otroligt fint Jeanette!!!