29 July 2010

Lookie what she bought

So did I hit the yarn shops yesterday? You bet ya!

Did I come home empty-handed? Not likely!

I bought a lovely brown linen yarn for my asymmetrical tunic and a nice soft green wool mix for my socks. I had every intention of stopping there but when I was about to leave the shop my eyes caught sight of the most gorgeous Mediterranean blue linen and cotton mix. A must have. I convinced myself (no hardship….) that it would be perfect for a little top to wear on my vacation in Thailand that is due in two weeks. I would color match the sea! Wohoo!

Naturally I had to get started at once, don’t want to finish it on the plane…..

Take care

1 comment:

Toril said...

Ville bara titta in å säga hej..för det var länge sedan vi bloggades! Allt gott:)