05 March 2010

Books x 3

Release party

One of the fun things about my job is that it’s full of variety. Last year for instance I wrote a book together with a colleague. It’s a book with short stories and facts about food and interviews with old people about their memories relating to food. Food is a very central thing in life and almost everyone has a memory related to it. The book is written for personnel working in nursery homes and it’s meant to be an inspiration for them when talking to the elderly. You might be old or suffering from Alzheimer’s disease but listening to the stories or looking at the pictures in the book can awake memories of a time when you felt well and confident. The book took almost a year to write and I learnt a lot during the process….maybe I am ready for writing that Pulitzer prize novel now…. 4 weeks go ago we had the release party. Great fun!

13 books and not a single remedy against weeds!

February the 25:th the annual book sale always starts in Sweden. I bought 13 (!) gardening books and now I can’t wait to start cultivating plants and dig my very own vegetable garden. The books had no good remedy against weeds though….looks like all gardens comes with weeds. Sigh!

Shall I continue reading?

This is the book I am currently reading. I haven’t read anything by Douglas Kennedy before and I can’t quite make up my mind weather I like it or not. This made me want to go on reading though:

"We try so hard to put our mark on things, we like to tell ourselves that what we do has import or will last. But the truth is, we’re all just passing through. So little survives us. And when we’re gone, it’s simply the memory of others that keeps our time here alive" .

Very true don`t you think ? So live, love & laugh my friends and spend your time wisely so that there will tons of memories to keep your time on earth alive!

Take care


LiLi M. said...

Congrats on having a book (as co author) published, well done!!! I love reading too. I can recommend :eat pray love, by Elizabeth Gilbert and Sarah's key (Sarah's nickel?) by Tatiana de Rosnay, both well deserved best sellers! Have a great weekend!

Maria said...

Vilken härlig bokhög!!