12 February 2011

Rasta goes skiing

In about a week’s time my husband and the daughters are going skiing. I am so NOT going! Ever since my childhood I have had this hate relationship with anything that is slippery under my feet. My dad and twin sister were both very good at ice skating and skiing but I spent more time hitting the ground hard than I care to tell you about. Luckily for me neither of my daughters has inherited my fears – they gladly ice skate and ski, use skateboards and rollerblades (eeek) and last year my youngest tried snow board and was hooked. This snow board thing comes with a certain kind of fashion I have been told…by my daughter. So a couple of days ago she put in an order for a multi colored cap to match her newly bought bright blue skiing pants. Did I knit one? You bet ya! Much more fun than my husbands socks which by the way I haven’t finished yet….




This is a picture of me ice skating. It is three years ago I think and the last time I tried. Ever! It will NEVER happen again. The red blurry thing flopping desperately with its arms is me. The beautiful grey girl holding me in a steady grip is Johanna my eldest. Sorry about the lousy photo quality. It is not due to the speed I am having though. Emma, my youngest was laughing so hard she couldn’t keep the camera still.

Take care


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