02 August 2009

In loving memory

My sweet, cuddly, funny and loyal companion for nine years died last friday probably due to have eaten rat posion. I meant to write a much longer post, a post worthy a true friend but the letters are getting blurred and the key board wet after just a few sentences.

Funny how such a small animal can fill such a big place in your heart!

I miss him so much!



LiLi M. said...

OOhhhh Jeanette, I feel so sorry for you. You already had some rough times lately and now this. I told you before that humans are designed for attaching and not for saying goodbye, but alas, nature makes us say goodbye nevertheless, and sometimes, like in this case, fate does. I wish you strength Jeanette, and you know as always I am going to send you my positive vibes. I am thinking of you and your loss. We always say that when you have fun and you share it, that doubles the fun. But when you are grieving and sharing it, it divides the sorrow in halves. So when my positive vibes reach you, make sure you sent some of your grieve right back to me. I can handle it. That is what blogfriends are for. Take care, hugs & kisses LiLi.

Anna Stilla said...

Men min rara, fina Jeanette! Jag är så ledsen. Jag vet precis hur mycket ont det gör när man förlorar en så älskad katt. Jag förlorade min för tre år sedan. Jag saknar honom så mycket. Så jag vet hur det känns i kroppen och jag vet att det inte finns några tröstord som kan stilla smärtan. Men jag vill bara att du vet att du finns i mina tankar.

Kram min fina bloggvän

Sömsmånen said...

Åååh, nej. Jag är så ledsen för din skull. Och familjen. Må han spinna vidare i katthimlen, den lille hjälten.

Toril said...

Åh..stackars dej..jag förstår din sorg..Har själv två katter som betyder allt för mig å jag kan inte föreställa mig den sorgen. Har mist en katt tidigare å det var en fruktansvärd upplevelse...vill bara helst glömma det. Men jag sa till mg själv till slut att antingen har jag aldrig mera katt eller så har jag alltid katt. Därför fick det bli två..Var rädd om dig

Unknown said...

How I know this feeling. I'm so sorry for your loss. They love you unconditionally.

Mandi said...

hi jeanette...am saddened to see that your cat has died...it seems a few net friends have lost their felines over the last few months and it is a very sad time for us all and now especially you....I understand how you are feeling and loving thoughts are on their way to you.......take care of yourself...xoxoxo

Jane LaFazio said...

oh my oh my.....I'm soooooo sorry..and what a terrible shock. my heart breaks for you.