11 November 2010

A pen & paper thing

I am not very good with pen & paper. Sketching was never my thing and I am a bit anxious when it comes to color. I tend “think” too much about the outcome instead of just letting my mind go and let the brush and color take its own course. This intimidates me and being overly careful sometimes stops creativity. Funny enough this never happens when it comes to wool, embroidery, fabric or other creative stuff.

I have come to the conclusion that it is a pen and paper thing! So I decided to try and trick myself out of the “pen & paper stage fright” by using fabric and fabric paint instead.

Do you know what? It felt a lot better. I managed to be more relaxed and not constantly debating with myself over which color to use or whether or not they matched. This is what I made. It may not be a giant leap for mankind but it is for me...

I even wiped my brush off randomly on other pieces of fabric and now I can use that too. Maybe for some embroidery or add some paper or decoupage or…

Am I easily fooled or what?

Take care

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