21 September 2008

Complaints choir Malmö

The complaints choirs started in Finland but as complaining is a universal phenomenon the project could be organized in any city around the world. Birmingham was first and then came Helsinki and now complaints choirs have been initiated all around the globe.The concept is the same all over the world. Community members send in their complaints and a text are made and the words put to music. The choir is allowed only to practice 5 times before their performance.

Do you remember the complaints choir I sang in last summer? No? Well, you can read more about it here if you like. I promised to tell you when the performance was out on youtube and tadah.....drumroll....here it is

I sang together with my daughter and we had great fun. If a complaints choir ever comes your way - join it! What better thing to do with your anger, frustrations and general hang ups than to SING it out loud! It makes you feel so much better afterwards!

Go for it!


Anonymous said...

Den var bra!!!
Killen som sjöng solo....och regnet bara vrääääker över maaaaaj! ...så känner jag det ofta när jag cyklar till jobbet :) Kram på dig!

LiLi M. said...

Hey Jeanette! I have never heard of a complaint choir, but this is great! I have googled and there is one here too, up north. You all are quite musical. It sounds great! I have watched the video twice, after the first time I checked the previous post fot your photo!
Have a nice week!

Unknown said...

AT LAST Jeanette! That was really good! I love to hear songs in another language, it reminds me of my grandparents singing in dutch....although swedish and dutch are probably very different.
It must have been a load of fun and I definately think the complaints are spot on!
Good fun.
I have been out in the garden so I haven't been on the computer much and now the kids have holidays AND have taken over my computer as well as using their own...ahhhh! I thought holidays were supposed to be less busy than school days but once they start having friends over there seems to be a lot of time spent driving them about. Fun for them though.
Hope your having a great week, love from Angela.

Mandi said...

I really enjoyed the choir it was really fun....thnaks for dropping by and leaving such a sweet comment....Paint Shop Pro is realy quite easy and i am sure your daughter will have no trouble....I have tried Photoshop and found that a lot harder but then other people prefer Photoshop...everyone is differant I guess....it really is rather fun as there is so much more to learn and I am still trying .....anyway have a good weekend and take care....

Anonymous said...

Fortfarande härlig körsång härinne :)
Hoppas att du har det bra Jeanette och att du sluppit förkylning och annat elände som härjar just nu....själv har jag gått på halv maskin ett tag nu. Men idag är jag ledig så jag tar igen mig lite nu...med lite kaffe och bloggande och "gloande" på flickr :)
Du frågade mig om vilken färg jag använt när jag målade möblerna...
vanlig vattenbaserad färg som jag köper hos färghandlaren...jag lät dem bryta den lite så den blev lite "smutsig" och sedan målade jag tre lager och slipade emellan. Efterbehandlade sedan hela ytan med Ljunga lasyrolja, blandad med lite balsamterpentin och färgpigment...i detta fallat grön umbra. men bara LITE färgpigment.
Oljan stryker jag på med en trasa och sedan tar jag en ny, torr trasa och torkar bort det överflödiga och då fastnar den mest i alla skrymslen och vrår , så det blir lite anytik och patinerad känsla.
Det finns en bok om möbelmålning som är kanon...letade efter den på bibblan men hittade den inte nu sist, måla om gammalt till nytt , eller något liknande....en massa bra tips i den .
Lycka till nu med målandet min vän!