Today I had a day off from renovation. I spent some time with a dear friend and we worked ourselves through some of the antique shops and jumble sales in Malmö. Friends are a blessing and this friend in particular! She is a constant source of inspiration for me and she can always make me see things in a different perspective. I bought a few small things to decorate my “cottage” with and also some old pillow cases and table-cloths that I plan to quilt or do some embroidery on. I love to find old things that I can use in a new way. Recycling can be fun!
During the day I was thinking about the scaps of old newspapers and wallpaper that I found when I was working on the wall. I wanted to use them for something but wasn’t sure of what. Then I came to think of all the keys we have lying about the house and decided to decorate a little key cupboard with my “findings”. I used decoupage – it seemed appropriate in a way since the wallpaper and newspapers was sitting in layers after layers on the wall……. I plan to hang the little cupboard next to the door when the renovation of the hall is finished. So now I can`t wait to get started on the hall itself! Two days in my own bed, central heating and hot water and spending some time with good friends has restored my sanity and I suddenly long for some renovation again !
I will keep you all posted!

My findings!
An old shelf and copper coffee kettle for my kitchen, an old apron to hang on the shelf and two candle sticks for our bedside tables -the bedside tables yet to be found. A big iron cauldron that I plan to plant flowers in and an old mirror for my bedroom. And alot of old pillow cases and table-cloths to do creative things with!

This is the little key cupboard. I painted it white and decorated the front with the scraps of wallpaper and old newspapers that I found. Do I need to tell you that painting things this size is just the right amount of painting for me ........

I had enough scraps of wallpaper left to decorate the inside as well.