19 August 2007

Complaints choir

Do you know what a complaints choir is? Neither did I until a few weeks ago when I read about it in my local paper. The town in where I live have a big music festival every year and this year they where going to have a complaints choir. Anyone could enter and me and my eldest daughter signed up at once. We both love to sing and this was a once in a lifetime opportunity since it hasn`t been done in Sweden before!

The complaints choirs all got started during a winter day walk of Tellervo Kalleinen and Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen in Helsinki. Perhaps it was due to the coldness of the day that they ended up discussing the possibility of transforming the huge energy people put into complaining into something else. Perhaps not directly into heat – but into something powerful anyway. In the Finnish vocabulary there is an expression "Valituskuoro". It means "Complaints Choir" and it is used to describe situations where a lot of people are complaining simultaneously. Kalleinen and Kochta-Kalleinen thought: "Wouldn´t it be fantastic to take this expression literally and organise a real Complaints Choir!" As complaining is a universal phenomenon the project could be organized in any city around the world. Birmingham was first and then came Helsinki and now complaints choirs have been initiated all around the globe.

The concept is the same all over the world. Community members send in their complaints and a text are made and the words put to music. Our choir was allowed only to practice 5 times and we perform on four different occasions ( and stages) during the festival. We had our grand opening Friday night– but on one of the smaller stages. Thank god! But tonight was the night! Our big moment of glory….. We where to perform on the biggest stage of the festival right in the middle of town.....

The stage! Huge! Soon I am to be standing up there were internatinal artist have been standing before me... Wow! My stomach feels like I`ve been eating butterflies for lunch… A few fans are waiting... Not for us I am sorry to say but for the artist performing after us :-)

We proudly present Malmö Complaints choir

Rock On! Me and my daugther are enjoying our moment of fame..

Even my dad had a few moments of glory when he was interviewed by the local TV station...

Part of the concept for the complaints choirs are that the performance is filmed to be put on Youtube and on the complaints choirs web site. I will let you know when it`s published so you can hear what we sounded like!

A great experience and a lovely memory for me and my daughter! Sometimes it`s fun to do something out of the ordinary. It brightens up your day!


Anonymous said...

Nej men där är ni ju....vad söta ni är!!! det ska bli väldigt spännande att få höra er på YouTube.....det ser ut som ni sjunger väldigt vackert iallafall :=)
Hoppas du har det bra och att det går bra med alla dina projekt. Har du funderat mer på fotoprojektet ? Jag har en del ord på min lista över tänkta bildmotiv....ska vi bestämma ett datum när vi ska sätta igång....man kan ju ha en dag i veckan på bloggen när man kör det här racet. Onsdagar t.ex......ska vi säga att vi börjar 12 september ? Jag skickar min lista till dig med mail under dagen...kram kram....hälsa din dotter också förresten!

Betty Jo said...

Oh my! How exciting this is. Yes, please let us know when we can see and hear you, your daughter, and the choir on You Tube! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Riktiga kändisar! Jo jag tackar jag.. busvisslar och applåderar...

Nu har jag knåpat ihop en bild-för-bild och steg-för-steg-beskrivning på en kungakrona... precis som du har bett om!
Nu vill jag se resultat!

Unknown said...

Good on you two Jeanette for stepping out and doing something as you say, "out of the ordinary". What a fun idea...taking a negative in life and making it into something fun.Nobody likes to listen to someone complaining but a choir singing complaints- well, that's another matter.I really enjoyed seeing the photo of you and your daughter as now I can picture you when I am talking to you! I will look forward to seeing it on You Tube,
best wishes,Angela.

Jane LaFazio said...

what a scream. I love the concept. how fun for you and your daughter. Keep us posted for the youtube encore.