16 August 2007

Oh my gosh I have been given an award ! Clara thinks I am a Rockin Girl Blogger and I am so honoured and proud. Clara is one of my favourite “blogfriends” and a fabulous photographer and I take a sneakpeak at her blog everyday. Together with this beautiful pink award you get to nominate four other blogs that you think deserve to be a Rockin Girl Blogger. Of course I wanted to give Clara one right back but since she already had one..... So here goes:

Ta dah ! And the winners are:

Chelsea Blue Whispers
Angela Louise my friend - your wonderful blog is full of roses, beautiful photos and art! A blog full of inspiration and joy of life! And her charms......they are exquisite !

If you want a blog full of colourful art this is the one to visit. Jane La Fazio is a talented artist and a constant source of inspiration for me. She brings the warmth and colours of San Diego right into my computer and my life. And her painted utility boxes.... Wow!

View from the oak
Lin my friend – your watercolours makes me want to start felting right away. A blog full of art, food and Lin´s funny comments! Always worth a visit

And last but not least....

A picture can say more than a thousand words. So what can I say? Go take a look at her wonderful photos right away !


Anonymous said...

Du var mig en busig rackare :=) Mossygreen blir alldeles röd om kinderna och hjärtat blir alldeles varmt....tack, snälla Jeanette!
Dina berömmande ord ger mig massor av ny energi....det är så skönt att få bekräftelse på det man gör....för ibland blir det ju helt tomt på hjärnkontoret och självförtroendet är i botten....men när sånt här händer så börjar det spritta i hela kroppen och man blir sååååå glad!!! En stor kram till dig och tack än en gång!
Ska ta mig en tur till de andra bloggarna som du talar så vackert om....jag är övertygad om att jag kommer att fastna där ....en bra stund:=)
PS: På tal om inspiration.....titta in i mitt linneskåp så får du se vilka tokstollar som huserar där för tillfället.....en del har tomtar på loftet men jag har något annat...:=)

Lin said...

Mille mille Grazie, mia cara! Thank you so much for such an honor .....! You are too too kind and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!


Unknown said...

Hello Jeanette, thankyou so much for nominating me for this award...you have spoken so kindly of me. I'm afraid it might take me awhile to nominate four others as I am so absorbed in playing gardens at the minute that I'm totally wiped by the end of the day and I tend to go to sleep quite early.
I am as inspired by your blog just as much as you are with mine so I think it is sad I can't nominate you...same problem that you had when Clare nominated you!
A big hug to you,

Jane LaFazio said...

Thank you!!! I've been a terrible bum and haven't reciprocated yet, but I will! thank you VERY much for your kind words.