Being 24 inside your head is a bit confusing at times. It makes you jump whenever you pass a mirror and the fact that your eldest turns 17 in a few months time makes you a very young mother. Seven in fact. Highly unlikely eh? Other disturbing facts contradicting the 24 theory is the way your body is sore and stiff in the mornings and how the bouncy step feels, well not so bouncy anymore. And you need reading glasses! And the way you misplace them all the time, the reading glasses I mean. Now that indicates that your mind isn’t as sharp and 24:ish as it used to be doesn’t it ? This miss placing glasses thing is dead annoying if you ask me. I spend more time running around looking for the blasted things than I do wearing them. Why can’t they come with a homing device, or GPS or you could phone them maybe? Now there is a thought. Why can’t you just phone them like you do when you miss place your cell? I do that too you see. A lot! My daughters gave me one of those strings you put on your glasses so you can wear them around your neck. They called it mums senility string. It gave me a librarian goes school mistress kind of look. I think I had it 14 days or so then I lost the glasses including the string and they were never found again. ( Could be something Freudian about that though...not wanting to look like a schoolmistress….) The pair after that I accidentally sat on. I used to put my glasses in my back pocket of my jeans you see. Not recommendable. From that day on I gave in, started to buy cheap ones at the gas station and to wear them on my head. That way I always know where they are. Almost! I am ashamed to tell you that once or twice ( more often if you ask my kids) I have been known to run around the house desperately looking for something that was already sitting on top of my head!

With all these facts staring me in my face I have decided to reconsider the age thing. So now I am 36. Sometimes younger but never older!
Take care
Take care