12 May 2007


These hearts are made by using wet felting technique. A friend of mine taught me and now it’s one of my best ways to relax after a hectic day at work. I stand at my kitchen sink looking out over my garden and my hands sort of do the felting by themselves. And I let my thoughts wander.... I usually make my hearts with an irregular shape because that’s how I feel life and love is. Love comes in mysterious ways and very seldom in the shape of the smooth and regular..... I always have a lot of felted hearts lying about the house. It’s perfect for cheering someone up, birthday greetings and making gift cards or brooches. And they weigh so light you can mail them without ruining yourself. You can make them in any color you like and I very often use two layers of wool in two different colors. It’s always exciting to see what the finished result looks like.


molly jean said...

Very lovable!
I will have to do more wet felting. I have mostly done flat pieces to cut when I could not buy wool felt locally. This was a few years ago. Now wool felt is available but not as interesting as hand made. Anyway your hearts are beautiful!

Also, thank you for putting a link to my blog!

molly jean said...

PS. I just put a link for your blog to mine.

Kerstinsdottern said...

Underbara hjärtan! Kul med en till blogg! Jätteroligt att se allt fint du gör!
Ska länka till den här fina sida på min blogg också!

gunnelsvensson said...

Tack för besöket i min blogg och för länken! Kul med en svenska som skriver om samma intressen som jag själv, vi blir fler och fler........Din engelska är väldigt bra. Jag känner att jag brister där så det blir väldigt korta utläggningar. Ser också att du fått kontakt med enav mina favotiter; Molly, hon gör fantastiska saker!