Three days since my hand surgery and I am already bored stiff. In between taking painkillers and piling my hand up high on pillows I am slowly going crazy. I can’t concentrate on my books and all my glossy interior design and gardening magazines makes me want to redo my home and garden. Now! At once! (Yes, you were right Angela!) I can’t stay in front of the computer for very long either which gives me all the signs of abstinence syndrome. Not being able to surf around and read all the great blogs out there gives me the shakes and shivers. Booooring! Can you hear the sound of Homer Simpson? Believe me I have him shouting in my head all the time! Thank god it’s only 14 days left before the bandage comes off.
Here comes a few words of wisdom :
Five things you can’t do with only one hand
Short commands on your computer
Open a box of chocolate
Open a bottle of wine
Eat with knife and fork
Take a bubble bath
So there is NO way I can drown my sorrows in wine, food or chocolates!
Big sigh!
Five things you tell your family that your doctor said you couldn`t do
-for six months time at least
Make the beds
Empty the dishwasher
Go shopping for groceries
Vacuum the house
You have to make the most of it while you can eh?
As I am writing this I suddenly feel ashamed. Here I am full of self-pity when I should be grateful. My bandage is going to come off and I will be completely recovered. Just think about those who are injured or impaired permanently. So my thoughts go out to all of you less fortunate than me.
Lots of love to you all!