Right know I’m in an “angel period” and I’m making angels by the dozen. In all kind of shapes and materials. I am not religious but for me angels is a symbol of peace and warmth and peace and warmth sort of sums up the holiday spirit too. For me Christmas is about family and friends. I can do without a lot of things ( probably not the tree though) but there will be absolutely no Christmas spirit if I don’t get lot of opportunities to sit down with family and friends drinking glögg, eating gingerbreads and chocolate, (lots of chocolate) and talk until the wee hours of the morning.

There is one other thing that I can`t do without or else it’s not Christmas – I have to watch Grinchen. I am no fan of Jim Carrey’s other movies ( Ace Ventura makes me itch and get nervous) but I adore Grinchen. The film is about what really matters at Christmas. So late at night when everyone else is asleep and the house is quiet I light lots of candles, make myself a tray full of goodies and sit down to enjoy Grinchen! I especially like the part with " Hate, hate, double hate". If you haven`t seen it - Do!
The Grinch, the Grinch.....he has stolen Christmas.....
I LOVE your moss teddies! You sure have been busy. They just look perfect the way they are set up at your friends shop. Everything you make in wire is so cute. How do you get to making so many things? At the moment with all the end of school things it seems like I never get to the creative things...it's very sad. Oh well school will soon be over for my three.
Would you believe that I have never watched the Grinch, so on your advice, I must. I love the way that you light all the candles and create the right ambience to watch it. So nice to see someone else making life special by all the little touches you do.
Happy times to you Jeanette in the lead up to Christmas. Hugs, Angela.
Så himla söta och gulliga dina mossnallar är...klart att de kommer att hitta adoptivföräldrar!
Änglar ja... jag har också gjort änglar på längden och tvären, bredden och på höjden!Fniss...
Önskar dig en riktigt trevlig adventstid, med mycket glögg,pepparkakor och lussekatter
Aaaaah, supersöta mossnallar! Den varianten har jag aldrig sett förr!Och inte provat på att göra heller för den delen :-)
Hi Jeanette - I've left you a couple of messages and emailed you, but am not too sure you are receiving them!! I love your Teddies but love your drinks even better!! Happy Christmas to you and your family. Val
I am trying to catch up with my friend's blogs... Some how I missed seeing your lovely mossy bears. I hope they found good homes. They are lovely!
I realy loved your bears. They where realy cute.And in moss!!!...
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