With Christmas over and a few days off from work I finally had time to do some felting. I’d had a picture in the back of my head for along time inspired by a line in a book. It’s funny because I cant remember the rest of the book, it was probably just crap but that single line stuck like glue. In every corner of your heart let loves own flower grow. It made me think about the many different aspects of love. The love you feel for your children, your friends or the man in your life. How frail love is and how you must nourish and water the flower in order for it to grow. And I thought a lot about how there was a time in my life when my heart felt all dried up and how much I had to water it before a tiny little bulb developed, grew and finally blossomed. .
I wanted to use my long longed for creativity time well….The needle felting, the embroidery and the patch work can be done when ever I have a few moments over but the wet felting procedure has to be finished when begun so with time on my hands I decided to wet felt more than one piece. That way I could also have a few different projects to continue working on in the future. Boy am I smart!
Want to see how I spent my time?
I wanted to use my long longed for creativity time well….The needle felting, the embroidery and the patch work can be done when ever I have a few moments over but the wet felting procedure has to be finished when begun so with time on my hands I decided to wet felt more than one piece. That way I could also have a few different projects to continue working on in the future. Boy am I smart!
Want to see how I spent my time?

When dry I can continue with needle felting and embroidery.
As you can all see I had a really happy afternoon. I think the wet felting part is the most challenging and therefore also the most fun. You never really know what the finished result will look like. I did four different pieces with a “heart theme” and on one I tried out a few silhouettes. I usually work best when I have a receiver for the piece that I’m working on so while I was working I decided that when finished one of the felted hearts is going to be a late Christmas present to a couple that are very dear to me. Their love is a constant source of joy, happiness and inspiration. I know they read my blog so I want tell you which one it is…..
And now the embryo is done I have needle felting and embroidery still to do. I hope to get started to night ….. Oh joy!
Lots of Love to you all!
And now the embryo is done I have needle felting and embroidery still to do. I hope to get started to night ….. Oh joy!
Lots of Love to you all!
Så kul du har haft det...och så fint det blev!
För ett par år sedan så tovade jag en massa ull och sydde fina vadmalshjärtan med tovade rosor och rosenblad på, som jag sedan broderade lite guldbroderier på...sålde dem sedan på julmarknad. Skulle kanske göra några sådana igen.. får lite lust till det när jag ser dina bilder! Fast...hm... såpan är i stugan...får nog vänta ett par dagar tills jag ska dit...
och ullen är okardad...hm...
Ha det så jättebra på nyårsafton, du med!
Dear Jeanette,
I wrote an article about your blog and you felting and tutorial on Craft Gossip. I also mentioned you photography blog. I hope you, family and friends drop by and leave some comments. http://felting.craftgossip.com/2007/12/28/felting-tutorial-and-art/
Linda Lanese “Felting Editor”
I really love your felting. The pictures really tell a story and the colours are absolutely lovely. I would love to see more
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