That’s when the idea of wrist warmers took form. As you could read in my earlier posts it continued to be just an idea for some time ….. but today I finally got started.
My dear blogfriend Jane in San Diego asked me “what the heck is a wrist warmer?” and I suppose a wrist warmer isn’t a key item in a California wardrobe but in the Swedish “artic” climate it’s a very nice thing to have….
So dear Jane this is a wrist warmer !

I made these out of wool decorated with vintage lace, old handkerchiefs , beads and embroidery. You can wear them to keep warm, as an “accessory” or for the mere beauty of it…… I hope to do some in black wool and maybe some green ones too. I plan to sell them at our annual Christmas fair. Do you think I will get any buyers?
Well Jeanette, I think these wrist warmers are so pretty and unique that I think you won't have any trouble selling them! I love the lace , the images and everything else about them...clever girl. I don't think we get cold enough here either to wear them. Such a shame as they would be a very nice accessory to wear.
Thankyou for sharing all the lovely photos on the post before last. What about your husband...the big spender!!! I can totally understand not being able to be mad at him though. My husband is rarely extravagant also and sometimes I feel a little guilty about what I spend money on.
Anyway, a big hug to you and a very happy week also,
Superfina :)
De är bara så läckra!!!!!
Gud, så fina!
Och allra, allra finast var den på sista bilden!
Klart att du får köpare till dessa! Trånande köpare kommer att stå i en ringlande kö vid ditt bord på julmarknaden!
Jag önskar dig verkligen lycka till!
wow,cool wrist warmers ! Love your lovely photos and you felt ideas!Greetings barbara
I've never heard of wrist warmers either. These are gorgeous! Your work is incredible. This is the second blog I've opened this AM to find beautiful lace filling jars. I have to pull out some of my lace simply to feel, and look at it. Isn't lace marvelous? xoxo
Hi Jeanette - Your wrist warmers are beautiful, the coloured one makes me think of the National Costume. I haven't seen them before, but I have seen lacey wrist bracelets (made for evening wear I should think)on a Workshop by Carol Coleman on Workshop on the Web. I'm sure you'll sell every single pair! Val
Men kära Jeanette.....dom är helt........UNDERBARA!!! Var ska du sälja dem....du skulle ju absolut börja att sälja dina vackra saker någonstans...i någon exklusiv butik....eller det kanske du redan gör!?
Är inne en runda som hastigast på datorn....måste stänga ner nu...this computer is killing me :=) KRAAAAM
Dina spetsar är helt underbara. Inte kan jag heller motstå dem när jag finner dem.
Dina handledsvärmare är mycket unika och "vill-ha-objekt"...(nytt uttryck) :-)
Kram och ha en skön helg
Eva Agnes
Your wrist warmers are lovely. I have had a wonderful time blogging tonight.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos.
Oh my goodness, they are so lovely! And feminine. Are they an actually Swedish thing, or did you make them up? Hmm, in San Diego, toe warmers would be nice...I'm sure you'll sell tons at the Xmas faire, and they're be featured on the cover of Vogue too!
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