15 January 2008

Hot lava

This amazing bowl is my favorite Christmas present. It was given to me by two dear friends and I look at it everyday thinking about hot lava….and passion. Passion can be a bit like hot lava don’t you think? When passion runs through your veins I think it`s a lot similar to lava pouring down a volcano. And you can be passionate about so many things......I haven’t really found the perfect spot for the bowl yet so I tend to move it around with me in the house. Yesterday it was a really grey winter day so I took it with me to my workroom drinking its warm, beautiful colors and dreaming of warmer days. Now that Christmas is gone I can’t wait for spring to begin. I really dislike this period between January and March when everything is grey, cold and rainy. Do you know what’s so special with rain in the south of Sweden? It rains horizontally! And therefore you always get wet whether or not you are using an umbrella.

Because of the cold weather I was planning to do a scarf or a shawl in wool and in doing so I was going to A) cheer me up and B) do a little trial and error. I used to be a real coward! I never wanted to try out anything new until I was absolutely certain that I could master it. Life isn’t much fun that way I can tell you! And you lose a lot of opportunities to learn something new. As I grew older I got more confident in myself and more adventurous and my life is much more fun now! Yeeez, I’m babbling on today. Lets get back to the felting. I had read about a wet felting technique that you could use on bigger objects that couldn’t be hand felted in the sink and I wanted to try it out. As I stood there looking at my bowl I suddenly noticed that I had wool in matching colors. And what could be better colors for a winter scarf than hot lava? What you do is that you place the wool on a big piece of polyester fabric, wet the wool with water and soap and role everything together. Then you work it all on a table like you are rolling cookie dough. I wanted the scarf to be like a woven net. As it was a trial and error thing I did a small piece first and this is the finished result.

The technique was easy to use (although I had water all over my kitchen floor) and the result turned out quite well so tomorrow I am doing it full size.


Betty Jo said...

Beautiful bowl! It it easy to see why you love it so. Amazing colors. Yes, hot lava is perfect to warm body and soul in winter. xoxo

Kerstinsdottern said...

Åh... en sådan helt underbar liten skål! Så himla intressant med de smala benen som den vilar på...

Jag har jobbat med den glasyren en gång i tiden, inte den lättaste glasyren att styra må jag säga! Den vill liksom leva sitt eget liv och har en tendens att lämna bara fläckar, men det ser jag inget av på din skål!

Jane LaFazio said...

I love that felted piece! LOVE it! gosh I wish I could come to your house to make felt. Or better yet, you come to San Diego!

Cattis said...

Så vackert!
Skålen är underbar!
Färgerna är ju helt rätt så här års. jag har ett jättesug efter brandgult.

Anonymous said...

Det var en fin liten skål! Härlig form och en underbar varm färg...kan behövas när det regnar från vänster eller höger.....blev så full i skratt när du skriver att det regnar horisontalt..det stämmer faktiskt:)
Jag är väldigt imponerad av ditt ullarbete och även av din engelska....en annan stakar sig fram med lite svengelska...jag förstår engelska very good...men när jag ska prata eller skriva då blir det helt plötsligt inte så lätt!
Trots att jag har en engelsktalande pysselkompis:) Well well...jag får fortsätta öva.....kraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam

Betty Jo said...

Hi again!! Jeanette by all means, take a chance, try eBay. Be sure to check the sellers feedback score and what others have said about him or her. I've shopped on eBay for years and years. Mostly through my son and wife, they ordered for me. I only had one bad item in all those years. I should have known when I saw the sellers dark picture not to buy. But I was desperate to find a particular backpack my granddaughter wanted. It was torn and dirty when it arrived so I was unable to give it to her afterall. Then I was too shy to make a fuss and send it back to the seller for a refund. I would do that today though. I'm now a seller and I want my customers to be pleased with whatever they get from me. Oops! Sorry to go on so much. I'm just having such fun on eBay!! xoxo

Anonymous said...

SÅ vacker skål... den riktigt brinner ju. När jag gick keramikutbildningen var det många som använde denna glasyr. Men mitt första egna hem bestod just i färgerna brunt och orange vilket gjorde att det inte lockade mej så. Din liknelse mellan passion och lava är ju klockren

Fru Grön said...

Oj vilka fina grejer du gör! I så härliga glada färger! Vilket bra humör jag blev på !


Val said...

Jeanette your piece is just wonderful, and I can see so clearly where your inspiration came from! Look forward to seeing the bigger piece? Val

Stilla Natur said...

Hej Jeanette!

Tack för länken till craftgossip. Jag hittade den "recyclade" redaktören :)

Du frågade mig tidigare hur jag har tvättat ullen. Jag har inte tvättat den för av det som jag vet så kardar man otvättad ull. Fett hjälper till fibrerna att lägga sig bättre på plats.
Jag har tänkt tova ullen så jag antar att den kommer att bli ren efteråt. Däremot vet jag inte hur jag ska tvätta ullen om den ska spinnas men jag kommer att läsa mig fram till det på ngt sätt.

Jag kommer att "tova på min nya blogg" så fort jag har skaffat mig en valkbräda/tvättbräda.
