Christmas at my place is mostly about flowers and candles. Okay, I wouldn’t like to be without a Christmas tree either ( you can read more about that
here and
here) but if I only could chose the one thing then it definitely would be candles. Nothing beats sitting in the candle light sipping a cup of tea or a glass of wine watching the flickering of the light making strange shadows on the wall and feeling the holiday calm slowly take over your body and soul!
Up till now the holiday calm has been scarce I can tell you. I can’t seem to get to Christmas, just a million of things getting in its way. No flowers, no tree, no presents bought and no food yet made….I was on a speed track towards disaster ….the crappiest Christmas ever lurking in the shadows…..
That’s when its time to tell yourself to get a grip, load Grinchen in the DVD: player, and invite friends over for Glögg. Nothing beats Jim Carrey to make you feel completely sane! Tadah, problem solved!
Then the weather took care of the rest with lots of snow covering everything in fluffy white. That’s when you realize that life is good and that good enough is enough. The spirit of Christmas is all about spending time with your loved ones anyway and not about presents and food.
So dear friends, near and far I wish you all a great Christmas full of love and joy! Jeanette